How Martial Arts Can Change Your Life...
Martial arts can have profound impact on an individual's life. Martial arts can build confidence for someone struggling with self esteem....
Traverse City Self Defense Training
Traverse City kids, teens and adults are doing self training more and more. Traverse City residents want to learn to how to protect...
Sport Taekwondo has come to Traverse City!
When most people think of martial arts they may recall the tournaments seen in the classic martial arts films IE Karate Kid. However few...
When is the right time for your child to begin martial arts???
What age is the best for starting a child in a martial arts class is a question many parents have thought about. Although there is...
Taekwondo is Great for Traverse City Teens.
Traverse City teens are in need of confidence and Taekwondo builds that! Traverse City teens need to learn about respecting themselves...
"The Samurai Had It Right" ... Discipline, Perfection and Simplicity - Adult Martial Arts
The Samurai were the warrior elite class that helped feudal Japan keep law and order for 100's of years. The code of the Samurai was...
Martial Arts For My Child?
Martial arts is a great child activity. Martial arts is super fun for kids. Martial arts teaches important discipline to children. For...
Traverse City Martial Arts For Teenage way to get ready for college.
Traverse City martial arts classes for girl, especially teenage girls, is a great way for those getting ready to head off to college in...
Martial Arts in the Summer is Great for the Whole Family!
As the school year winds down and summer break draws closer many parents will search for something to occupy both their and their...
Why Martial Arts is the Right After-School Activity for Your Child
There are a lot of choices for your child when choosing an extra-curricular activity. There are always the options of sports, scouts, and...