Brazilian Jiu-jitsu: Traverse City Martial Artists Really Take To Fastest Growing Discipline
When thinking of martial arts, most people imagine board breaking, flying side kicks, nunchucks and crisp bows. But, in Traverse City at...
Korean Karate Does A “Judo Chop” On Childhood Obesity In Northern Michigan
At the Seung-ni Martial Arts Academy in Traverse City, Michigan, young practioneers are not only learning an ancient traditional martial...
Discipline & Respect – How To Build It In Traverse City Children and Teens With Taekwondo
Chase has to be asked seven times to put away his toys and it always seems to end in a yelling match. Brenna gets stubborn just before...
Martial Arts Training for Children: A Perfect Match for Traverse City Kids!
Crisp white uniforms, colored belts around the waists neatly tied, straight formation lines, resounding confident “yes sir’s” echoing...
Does your Kid have Unshakeable Self Confidence?
Is your child struggling with confidence at school, socially, in sports or with bullies? Would you like to empower your child with...